Welcome to the SCA
We’re so happy that you’ve joined us! The Lochac-Newcomers-Handbook-2018-V2 can be found here! It’s a guide to help you find your feet specifically in our Kingdom but read on for general information!
The Society is an amazing place, with heaps to do, and lots of fun to be had. It is many things to many people but has some overarching principles and structures. A quick guide to those can be found here.
How to get started?
Find an SCA group near you in order to participate locally. Once you find your group’s website, you can learn about meeting information, fighter practice, and more. Just look for the contact info for the local group’s Chatelaine to help you get started. If you have any trouble, you are welcome to email the Kingdom Chatelaine for further information or guidance.
Where to find the SCA in Australia and New Zealand
The SCA has many different areas of interests. Here are just a few to help you learn a little bit more.
- Events
- Combat
- Feasting
- Archery
- Clothing
- Etiquette
- Court
- Arts & Sciences
- Membership – information about membership & how to join.
- SCA Glossary
Looking for what is happening around the Kingdom of Lochac.
Click on the Calendar of upcoming activity in Lochac
Each group will also have their upcoming events. You can find those details on each individual website.
What’s it like? People share their stories about going to an SCA event
This is the recognised website for the Kingdom of Lochac Newcomer Resources. This is not a corporate publication of the SCA Inc and is not intended to delineate SCA policy. Site maintained by the Kingdom Hospitaller